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Home Safety Planning

Your home is supposed to be the place where you are safest. However, so many of us aren’t taking the necessary steps to make sure our homes are safe. Here are a few steps to ensure your house is always protected, when you’re home and when you’re not. 

Plan ahead

Planning ahead is one of the most important steps in home safety planning. Planning ahead helps you to be more organized and efficient during a dangerous situation, and it helps you to be better prepared for emergencies at home

Keep doors locked at all times

Now that you've made your home a safe haven, it's time to keep it that way. Keeping your doors locked at all times is the first step in preventing break-ins. Two-thirds of burglaries happen during the daytime, so be sure to keep an eye on windows, doors and other accessible points of entry when no one is inside.
Most burglaries are unplanned and are crimes of opportunity. Keeping your doors and windows locked can stop burglaries.

If you need extra protection, use one of our portable door stoppers that can prevent someone from coming into your house even if they have a key.

Keep your lights on

The problem with leaving your house completely dark is that it can be perceived as an easy target for intruders looking for a place to break into, especially since most burglaries are crimes of opportunity.

Avoiding this situation is simple: keep lights on when you leave the house so that it looks like someone is there; turn them off when you're coming back later in the day or evening.

Additionally, you don't want to come home and walk into a dark house. You never know if someone is hidden in a dark room.

Have an escape route in case of different emergencies

If you have a home emergency escape plan in place, the chances of getting out safely are much higher. Of course, if there's an intruder in your home or if your house is on fire, it's unlikely that you'll have time to think through an escape route. But if these things happen while you’re at home and can take some time before acting, having an escape route in mind will help keep panic at bay.

Get a security system 

If you don't have a security system, it's time to start looking into getting one. You don't have to spend a ton of money on it—a basic home security system can cost as little as $10 a month.

Getting a home security system is an excellent way to deter burglars, who tend to steer clear of homes with alarm systems and other visible signs of active monitoring. The more visible and obvious your home looks when it comes to protecting your valuables, the less likely someone will try breaking in.

Keep weapons in your house, in every room

As you're thinking through your escape routes and safety plan, it's important that you have the right tools and weapons to save your own life.

Our Personal Protection Kits are designed to help you stay safe in your home and throughout your life. Each kit has five easy-to-use self defense weapons that can keep anyone feeling safer in an emergency situation.

We hope you found these tips helpful. But remember, the most important thing is for you to stay safe in your home. If you follow the steps we discussed here and keep in mind some of these other things too (like keeping lights on when no one’s around), then there’s no reason why anyone should be able to get into your house without permission!


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